domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

South of the border 7 DVD fhp funnybdsm com

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In this, the 7th and final installment of the South of the Border series, witness the barbarian abuse of Megan Cortez (Lisa Kinkaid), a American Embassy attorney who went to explore the disappearance of 3 American students and now finds herself imprisoned forward false drug charges. Having caught the fancy of a shadowy buyer teen bdsm of conceiving flesh known as the Sheik, Megan has been hooked on small quantity by her cruel captors bdsm sex to pacify her for fiction bdsm her imminent demand, but now she is refusing to eat. Fearing she will devastated away and diminish her womanly charms and thus her market excellence, Megan is tightly bound, then forced to eat huge quantities of gruel, her jaws then cruelly plugged to prevent her from expelling her meal ffree bdsm.....

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